Refund Policy for Concerto 1. Eligibility Criteria for Refunds a. Refunds are only granted within 5 days following a payment, unless the account never exceeded the feature set of the free tier during a subscription period. b. If an account did not exceed the free tier features during a subscription period, a refund can be requested at any time. 2. Refund Request Process a. Users seeking a refund should contact Concerto support through email to b. Concerto staff will verify the account's usage and eligibility for a refund. 3. Time Frame for Requesting a Refund a. Refund requests must be made within 5 days following a payment, unless the account never exceeded the free tier features during the subscription period. 4. Circumstances Under Which Refunds Are Not Granted a. Refunds will not be granted more than 5 days after a payment, unless the account never exceeded the free tier features during the subscription period. b. Refunds may be denied if the account is found to have utilized features beyond the free tier during the subscription period. 5. Partial Refund Policy a. Prorated refunds are at the discretion of Concerto staff and generally will not be pursued. 6. Refund Processing Time and Method a. Refunds are processed through our payment provider, Paddle. b. Refund processing time and method are dependent on Paddle's policies and procedures. 7. Contacting Support Users can contact Concerto support for refund inquiries or any other questions by emailing By using Concerto and agreeing to the Terms of Service, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to this Refund Policy.